Archive for the ‘The Mind Side Blog’ Category

Do You Suffer from a Destination Addiction?

Sam Obitz / February 24th, 2021 / No Comments »

“Life’s all about choices. Everyone’s destination is the same; only the paths are different.” – Sushmita Sen The term “Destination Addiction” was coined by British psychologist Robert Holden about a decade ago. I’m going to paraphrase his definition here: It

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Do You Have a Victor or Victim Mindset?

Sam Obitz / January 27th, 2021 / No Comments »

One of these mindsets is associated with growth and contentment and the other is usually linked to underachievement and dissatisfaction. I’m guessing that most of you, after reading that last sentence, have a good idea which one is associated with

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Give Making a New Year’s Stress Goal a Go

Sam Obitz / December 29th, 2020 / No Comments »

For nearly a decade I have ended the year writing a blog about the pitfalls of New Year’s resolutions. I have offered suggestions for ways to improve your chances of having success if you make them and talked about the

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Giving Thanks – Counterintuitive Edition

Sam Obitz / November 25th, 2020 / No Comments »

Last year, on Thanksgiving Day, I wrote about the relative ease of giving thanks and how most people routinely express their gratitude for something each year on Thanksgiving Day. As a result, my focus was on the importance of being

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Pleasure vs Happiness – Part 2 (Your Unique Gift)

Sam Obitz / October 29th, 2020 / No Comments »

Pleasure without happiness only serves to cover the empty hole inside of you. The longer this goes on, the bigger the hole becomes and the more pleasure you need to cover up that hole to keep from falling into it.

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Who Will Be the Winners when the Pandemic Ends?

Sam Obitz / August 26th, 2020 / No Comments »

If you are looking for financial investment advice, you are in the wrong place. If you are looking for some key attributes of those most likely to thrive, ones that may help you attain more solid footing than most once

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Time to Revisit Some Old Blogs

Sam Obitz / July 30th, 2020 / No Comments »

The first one originally appeared here in November of 2011. Please take note, that now nearly all college football teams use many of the things Chip Kelly was called reckless for doing at the time I wrote this article.You can read

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Being Referred to as ‘Talented’ is Demeaning – (Part 9)

Sam Obitz / June 25th, 2020 / No Comments »

It has been a while since I added to this series, so I am going to start with a short review of the premise of this series. Most people like being referred to as “talented” and most people think they

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Life, Death and Friendship – RIP Chris Dufresne

Sam Obitz / May 28th, 2020 / No Comments »

My phone rang at 9:12am this past Tuesday morning and I saw it was the son of a good friend calling. The initial joy I experienced upon seeing his name soon turned to curiosity. Did my friend’s son have an

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Advice for Graduating Seniors and Their Parents

Sam Obitz / April 30th, 2020 / No Comments »

One of the many casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic has been (or will be) the loss of certain rites of passage for the high school class of 2020. In no specific order, most have lost out on competing in their

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