Archive for the ‘The Mind Side Blog’ Category

Why We Believe in Superstitions

Sam Obitz / January 21st, 2016 / No Comments »

We have all had superstitions. To some, it can mean anything from wearing a lucky hat, shirt, dress, etc., to a ritual like bouncing the ball three times before each free throw in a basketball game, to the cultural ones

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Even More Advice Regarding New Year’s Resolutions

Sam Obitz / December 17th, 2015 / No Comments »

For the past five years I have written entries on why New Year’s resolutions fail and how to get better results. I highly suggest that you take a look at all of them before reading this article (or after if

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The Private School – Ivy League Myth

Sam Obitz / November 12th, 2015 / No Comments »

How many of you think that your child will have a higher chance of being someone who changes the world for the better if they attend a highly regarded private school followed by an Ivy League school? The majority of

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Social Influence Determines Most Decisions People Make

Sam Obitz / October 15th, 2015 / No Comments »

Believe it or not, social influence has more impact on your decision-making than your conscious mind does. We all like to think we are in control of all of our decisions. We have even become quite good at coming up

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Leadership Issues – Part 2

Sam Obitz / September 17th, 2015 / No Comments »

As I stated in a previous blog entry, whether it’s management in your company or a coach of your athletic team, misconceptions and misguided attempts to lead are everywhere. Poor leadership can kill an individual’s drive and turn otherwise thriving

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Does Being a Bit of an S.O.B. Help Football Coaches Win?

Sam Obitz / August 20th, 2015 / No Comments »

I recently found myself in a conversation on this topic with a few prominent college and professional football coaches. To be clear before continuing on, I used S.O.B. in my title to keep it as clean as possible, but the

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Time to Review a Couple of Always Relevant Blog Entries

Sam Obitz / July 23rd, 2015 / No Comments »

It’s been a while since we have done any reviews, so here are two (below) for you to read or re-read: The first one is titled: Wisdom and Innovation Often Come from Unexpected Places. It focuses on how we tend

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Amy Schumer is the Hottest Girl on Television

Sam Obitz / June 25th, 2015 / No Comments »

I recently had a few interesting conversations with some good friends about celebrity crushes. I told them I rarely ever had a celebrity crush, and a couple of the ones I did have, I ended up meeting them and they

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Good Parenting Requires/Involves Great Leadership – Part 4

Sam Obitz / May 28th, 2015 / No Comments »

In my three previous entries on parenting I focused on the importance of modeling and teaching children patience and self-control, the necessity for parents to challenge their children and allow them to fail, and the importance of interacting with your

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There’s More to Effective Visualization than Meets the Eye

Sam Obitz / April 30th, 2015 / No Comments »

If you were going to bake a cake from scratch, would you try and do it without the help of a recipe? Would you try to make it using just the ingredients you already have on hand? Or would you

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