Author Archive

Years of Service Awards & Morale

Sam Obitz / November 24th, 2016 / No Comments »

While most companies have programs in place to reward their employees on their work anniversaries (that typically start at year five and then in five year increments after that) most are not well thought out. A 2012 report from Bersin

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The Disease of Perfectionism

Sam Obitz / October 27th, 2016 / No Comments »

Contrary to popular belief, being a perfectionist is not a good thing. The problem lies in a couple of common misconceptions. 1) That without striving for perfection you will never be as good at anything as you could be. And

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The Choices You Make, Make You

Sam Obitz / September 29th, 2016 / No Comments »

This certainly seems rather obvious and hard to argue with. So why do a majority of people prefer to play the blame game for their lot in life? If I had a dollar for every time I have talked to

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Despite Claims, There Were No Gifted/Talented Olympians in Rio

Sam Obitz / August 25th, 2016 / No Comments »

If you watched any of the Olympics in Rio over the past couple of weeks, you probably saw several post competition interviews with athletes. It is also quite likely that in a large percentage of those interviews, you heard the

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Good Parenting Begins Before Your Baby Arrives

Sam Obitz / July 28th, 2016 / No Comments »

You probably know that the health of your relationship has far reaching effects on your child’s future. You have probably heard that there is no better gift you can give to a child than a mother and father who genuinely

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Time to Review a Couple of Always Relevant Blog Entries

Sam Obitz / June 30th, 2016 / No Comments »

It’s been a while since we have done any reviews, so here are two (below) for you to read or re-read: The first one is titled: Why Wanting to Make a Lot of Money Is a Counterproductive Goal. It focuses

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The Top Three High School Boy’s Coaches of All-Time

Sam Obitz / May 26th, 2016 / No Comments »

The criteria for making this list is as follows: an impressive list of successes, no recruiting of athletes, the ability to develop an entire roster, being ahead of their time (an innovator), and helping boys grow into better men for

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Common Mistakes in The NFL Draft

Sam Obitz / April 28th, 2016 / No Comments »

The NFL’s annual draft of collegiate players begins later today. A few years from now people will look back and find that many highly drafted players were not nearly as good as they were expected to be. It’s likely that

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Being Referred to as ‘Talented’ is Demeaning (part 7) *

Sam Obitz / March 31st, 2016 / No Comments »

Throughout history we have believed that to reach the highest levels in any field, you had to start with an underlying talent, and combine it with a motivation to succeed. As a result, businesses, teams, orchestras, etc. all tried to

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Why Culture Matters

Sam Obitz / February 25th, 2016 / No Comments »

The definition of culture in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time. Although accurate, I find this definition lacking, as it does not begin to reveal the scope of its

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