Celebrity Worship is Making You Miserable

When we examine the lives of the people we follow on social media and celebrities, we create a fantastical view based on glamour and prestige rather than their reality.

This leads to feelings of not being enough and deeply affects your self-esteem. It’s only natural that you suffer by comparison. The problem is you are comparing ice cream (celebrities) to rice (you).

Ice cream is a great treat, but if you eat it daily, you begin to see its dark side (artery-clogging, weight gain, lethargy). Celebrities are great treats, but if you are with them all the time, you will see their dark side, too.

Rice is a great staple food, and you can eat it most days without ill effects. The problem with rice, like anything you use regularly, is that you eventually start comparing it to all the things you don’t have that seem more appealing, and suddenly, perfectly good rice (you) seems to be lacking.

The problem is your perception, not you. Whenever we judge ourselves against what we see as ideals, we feel we lack something, which makes us feel miserable.

When we feel down, we become more concerned with surviving than thriving. As a result, we limit our prospects by failing to put ourselves out there and always play it safe. This serves to hold us back and ensure we never reach our potential.

It’s up to you to ignore what the media holds up as ideals and compare where you are today against who you were yesterday. If you make this your focus, you will likely end up where you are supposed to be—much better off than you are now!


You can follow Sam on Twitter: @SuperTaoInc


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