For those interested in becoming a client who do not have the benefit of a referral, you may submit a 500 word written essay on why you have what it takes to benefit from our teachings along with your answer to the four following questions:

1) What is your primary sport?
2) What is your age?
3) What are the five things you like most about your sport?
4) What are the five things you like least about your sport?

Send your submissions to

In the event that you qualify and are added to our waiting list you will be notified at the e-mail address we receive your submission from within 30-days. Note that the best submissions will receive priority and have the potential to move to the top of our waiting list. Your initial session will be 50-minutes long and can be done over the phone or in person at a cost of $500 paid in advance. All future sessions are conducted over the phone and are either 20 or 40-minutes in duration.